Exhibitor list

Agro 22 Exhibitor list

Website Company Name Field of Activity Booth Number
Aerea Agricultural Machinery​ C184
A.G.M Dan Equipment
Production & Marketing
Agrolan Greenhouses
Irrigation and Water Management
Plant Protection
Hardware & Software
Agrocrop 187
Adama Agan Plant Protection 132
Adama Makhteshim Plant Protection 155
Ofek Green Roofs Green Building 157
Or Frishta Agricultural Machinery square
Origene Seeds Plant Propagation Material square
Oren Nursery Horticulture
Plant propagation
Crop Management
AL Tractors Agricultural Machinery 112
Almog Equipment 151
ELZ Agricultural Equipment 202
Altecno R.G.L Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer 179
Al Magor Irrigation & Water Management 138
Emco Group Agricultural Machinery 218
Emcol Machinery 110
Asayag Energy Green Energy B154
Asfir Equipment 214
Aqua Irrigation and Water Management 166
Aquestia A.R.I Irrigation and Water Management 128-129
Extreme 5 Sports Accessories square
RST Cleantech Automatic Cleaning Solutions 175
Ariel Global Organic Agriculture 174
Bet Alef Agricultural Machinery 227
Bayco Agricultural Solutions 182
Bockmann Transportation Solutions 223
BZ Com Software & Hardware B169
Bio Bee Pest Control 161
Bambiplst Banias Irrigation & Water Management 147
Bermad Agricultural Machinery
Irrigation and Water Management
Gadot Agro Biotechnology
Plant Protection
GMT Tech Innovation Financial Services 192
Global Agents Communication Solutions Software & Hardware 146
General Equipment Agricultural Machinery 121
Green Extreme Transportation Solutions 213
Moto Sport SUVs 224
Davik Plasticulture 153
Diesel Engineering Technology Agricultural Machinery 117-119
Dantech Plasticulture 191
Deshen Hatzafon Fertilizers & Chemicals 131
Down Wind Precise Agriculture 160
E Shetach Equipment 200
Humus Fertilizers & Chemicals 193
Agro Security Security Solutions 167
Henfeld Technologies Equipment 215
VGI Agroecology
Fertilizers & Chemicals
Organic Agriculture
Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer
Granot Farming 171-172
T.K Agricultural Machinery 116
Talgil Irrigation and Water Management 152
Monox - Mobile 019 Communications square
Tal Netafim Cleaning Solutions Square
Teralight Solartech Green Energy A113
J. Kimchi Agricultural Machinery 111
Yozma Plastic Products Agencies Plasticulture 127
Yamit Filteration Irrigation & Water Management 126
Kislev Operational Vehicles 180-181
Koff Group Equipment
Carmel Recycling Recycling 113
Luxembourg Industries Plant Protection 169
Leket Israel Food Rescue Organization A169
Mabat Moshavim Consulting 186
Magnor Pest Control 114
Makor Tivi Poultry 156
Maslul Technica Equipment 184
Mop Zafon R&D 189
Metro Motor Operational Vehicles 225
Triplex Plasticulture 137
AEL Vehicles 219
Mifram Agencies Equipment
Agricultural Machinery
Precise Agriculture
Metzerplas Irrigation and Water Management
Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer
M.N Systems Equipment Import & Marketing 122
Degania Sprayers Agricultural Machinery
Plant Protection
North Sprayers Plant Protection 216
Hermon Sprayers Plant Protection 220
Raz Sprayers Plant Protection 211
Mishkei Leasing Equipment & Vehicle Leasing 143
Mor Drive School School 192
M. Stern Agricultural Machinery​​ 159
Naim & Sons Automation Agricultural Machinery​ 198
Netafim Greenhouses
Irrigation and Water Management
Precise Agriculture
Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer
New Feldman Agricultural Machinery
NaanDanJain Irrigation Greenhouses
Irrigation and Water Management
Precise Agriculture
Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer
Smart Drones Precise Agriculture 164
Saranga Equipment 168
A.H Technical Supply Agricultural Machinery 221
Ofer Avnir SUVs 199
Amiad Fertilizers & Chemicals
Irrigation and Water Management
Amit Communications Green Energy 165
Phytech Precise Agriculture 149
Fieldin Plant Protection
Precise Agriculture
Polar Security Security 120
Plas Fit Plasticulture 133
Plasson Plasticulture 145
Plasgan Irrigation and water management 178
Palram Plasticulture B139
Perfect Parts Equipment 222
Tzur and More Agricultural Machinery​ 217
Czapnik Agricultural Machinery​ 212
Haifa group Fertilizers & Chemicals 170
Compost Or Fertilizers & Chemicals
Organic Agriculture
Precise Agriculture
Concept Plant Protection 176
Kanat Insurance 140
Carasso Motors Vehicles 226
Keshser Yami Vehicles 196
Rivulis Greenhouses
Irrigation and Water Management
Precise Agriculture
Turnkey Projects & Knowledge Transfer
Ram Agricultural Machinary Agricultural Machinery 158
Rafael Feed Mills Livestock Feed 148
Raphael Valves Plasticulture 139
R.T Cohen Agriculture Equipment 123
Solargik Green Energy 173
Sh Goren Secuity 217
SunAgri Agrivoltaics C169
S. Venezia Equipment 219
Tavlit Irrigation and Water Management 134
Tama Agricultural Equipment
Tapazol R&D
Plant Protection
Tefen Greenhouses
Irrigation and Water Management
Livestock & Dairy Farming
Tip Top Motors Motorcycles 197
UDS Import
Rahan Meristem Biotechnology 144
Zah Orni Equipment 194
Zabda Cleaning Solutions Square
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